The Power of Mindfulness in Addiction Treatment & Recovery
Employing a host of techniques, the practice of mindfulness has become a popular and effective tool in the treatment of addiction and for maintaining recovery. Conceptually, mindfulness is the process of focusing one’s attention on the present to become more aware of thoughts and feelings, processing and accepting them without ...
Life After Addiction Isn’t Just Possible, It’s The Norm
Substance use disorder is a hard struggle, and the road to recovery can be long. But research confirms that it is far from a permanent affliction. A pair of recent studies on life after addiction, one published by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and the National Institute on Drug ...
Meet the Hosts and Learn the Impact of our Magnolia FAST© Virtual Family Meeting Series
Supportive resources, like family, friends, and mentors, are essential to a person’s recovery journey. However, loved ones who care for someone struggling with a substance use disorder (SUD) also need support and education. It is important that people who care for someone with an addiction understand that their well-being is ...
Shining a Light on Resilience and Recovery
The New England Recovery Center (NERC), a subsidiary of Spectrum Health Systems, provides comprehensive inpatient treatment for individuals struggling with substance use disorders (SUDs) at Spectrum’s treatment campus in Westborough, Mass. Our dedicated team guides clients through detoxification and residential treatment while providing unwavering support and continuing care planning to ...
Lucemyra for Opioid Withdrawal: A Doctor’s Perspective
When thinking about the difficult symptoms of opioid withdrawal and hearing the news of the FDA approving Lucemyra, a non-opioid prescription medicine to help reduce them, many people who struggle with addiction may be intrigued. It has even been made available in Walgreens across the nation (with a valid prescription), ...
Our Latest Treatment Center Opens in Framingham
Substance use disorders pose a challenge to many around the United States, and treatment isn’t always as accessible as it should be. For those struggling with addiction, same-day care can be essential to beginning on the road to recovery. Providing immediate care ensures that individuals feel encouraged and supported when ...
4 Tips to Help Combat Alcohol Triggers This Holiday Season
As the holiday season approaches, we’ll all be heading to more and more in-person gatherings, parties and get-togethers with friends and family – perhaps for the first time in 18 months. These events are a time of celebration and with celebrations, typically comes alcohol. Events where alcohol is present can ...
Combating the Nursing Shortage in Addiction
The United States is in the midst of a critical nursing shortage – it is estimated that 1.2 million new registered nurses will be needed by 2030. Spectrum Health Systems, like many other addiction treatment providers, has experienced an increase in patients and a decrease in providers available. This shortage ...
From Trauma to Recovery: Jaclyn’s Story
We recently sat down with one of our current clients, Jaclyn, on our podcast series Airing Addiction, to hear her story of addiction and recovery in honor of National Recovery Month. As is often the case, Jaclyn experienced trauma in her young life and she turned to substances as a ...
From In and Out of Prison to Peer Recovery: Jose’s Story
In honor of National Recovery Month, we sat down with Jose, a former member of our Everyday Miracles Peer Recovery Center in Worcester, MA, to hear about his recovery story. Jose’s addiction first began when he was living on Main Street in Worcester, MA – an area challenged by widespread ...